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Nasdaq featured Whitney and 16 other amazing women leaders, who shared how the setbacks they experienced in 2020 helped them make their businesses even stronger.


January 12, 2021

NASDAQ: Female Founders Whose Businesses Suffered in 2020: How They’re Emerging Even Stronger

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Dreamers & Doers, a private collective for extraordinary entrepreneurial womxn, asked their member to share how their products and services help people create happier and healthier lives.


January 6, 2021

DREAMERS & DOERS: These Womxn-Founded Products and Services Will Help You Create a Healthier, Happier Life

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Whitney was the featured guest on an episode of Workbar’s YouTube series, Workbar Live! where she talked about how to get things done without sacrificing your health and happiness, even when you’re juggling an increased workload.

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November 24, 2020

WORKBAR: How to Juggle Multiple Jobs or an Increased Workload

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Whitney was the featured guest on an episode of Workbar’s YouTube series, Workbar Live! where she talked about how to get things done without sacrificing your health and happiness, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event Highlights

November 10, 2020

WORKBAR: Change Your Mindset, Not Your Calendar

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Whitney joined fellow entrepreneur and small business owner Grant LeBeau on the Small Biz Gone Viral podcast. In the episode, Whitney talked about how she responded to COVID-19, adjusted course for her business, and shared strategies that have helped her move beyond survival to truly thrive in 2020.


October 28, 2020

SMALL BIZ GONE VIRAL: How Your Business Can Survive and Thrive in COVID-19

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Whitney sat down with fellow entrepreneur and small business owner Grant LeBeau on the Small Biz Gone Viral podcast. In the episode, Whitney shared how an increased demand from small business owners led her to create, pilot, and launch a brand new program tailored to help small business owners grow their businesses, even during a pandemic.


October 21, 2020

SMALL BIZ GONE VIRAL: The Story Behind Whitney’s Small Business Accelerator


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