AUTHORITY MAGAZINE: How Whitney A. White is shaking up how people choose their careers


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Whitney sat down with Authority Magazine as part of their Female Disruptors series where the magazine interviews women shaking up their industries. They discussed changing the way we think about careers and success. 

In her own life, Whitney recognized the importance of identifying what you love to do and taking initiative to fix things that aren’t working. When she began advising high-potential leaders who struggled to clarify and prioritize what was important to them, Whitney recognized a common thread. She then leveraged her educational background in Anthropology to interview individuals and executives who were ambitious, but struggled to pursue the life they really wanted. From these interviews, she developed the curriculum for her coaching program, Take Back Your Time. 

Through Take Back Your Time, Whitney helps people take control of their lives by identifying the goals that matter most to them and then shifting their mindsets so they can pursue both a career and a life that are truly fulfilling. She encourages people not to minimize their true goals for the sake of chasing after the life everyone tells them they should live. Whitney also discussed the risk of burnout and shared how she helps clients get clarity on their most important goals in order to create a pathway to achieve them. 

Read the full interview

June 5, 2020

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I help my clients take back control over their time, define success on their own terms, and unlock their full potential.